
What a day.
All packed up and ready for our holiday in Scotland.
Fletch had some breakfast and then 5 minutes later was sick. 
He didn't seem too  bad, in fact he raced out to bark at the postman. 
As he seemed full of energy we decided it would be still ok to go. We loaded up the car and set off on a lovely sunny morning.
We stopped  for a walk at Latterbarrow Nature reserve as we usually do. Fletch leapt out of the car and trotted along happily . All seemed well . But suddenly he began to stagger, and then lost his balance. Poor chap was disorientated and we realised he was having a ' Vestibular episode. I steared him towards a bench and we sat their quietly to reassure him. 
Gradually his vertigo seemed to abate.( thank goodness)  but we werent sure how much hed recovered. Was it a good idea to carry in with our journey? A walking holiday with a dog that may not be able to walk?
I phoned the hotel . They were very sympathetic and understanding when I explained that we had to cancel.

We sat for a bit longer, enjoying the peace of the countryside before Fletch got up and seemed ok to make our way back along the path to the car.

We carried along the dual carriageway and ended up going to Beetham Garden centre . Fletch seemed to be ok and we had a stroll round but decided against a drink and cake as it was so busy.

So, we came home. Fletch was hungry and enjoyed his dinner and then had a long snooze while we unpacked.

Tonight I felt I needed this wine,. What a day, but he seems ok 

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