Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete


The mid week hump...1pm....then you know you've broken the back of it!

The misty chilly morning is now making me re-assess my kit for the weekends bike activity. Will I need more warm cycling gear! Will it rain at all? What happens if its chilly in the morning (minus 1 this morning!) and then really warms up in the day? What shall I take for the evening clothes? How can I keep it all light weight without looking a prat in the pub later? Hahahahahahahaha

The truth is...I've done this for so long that I have all the's just a matter of choice. As the mid week hump draws closer I am getting a little excited about spending all day on the bike...the new roads we will peddle on.....the laughs we will have ...and the pleasure of my 'Wheel Buddies' company.

It is always a bit of a guess about the kit to take though!

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