Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Ms Moffat

Because the chair provided for me at work is unacceptable, I spent much of the weekend researching the chair I would prefer. I know it well because it was the best thing about my time in Henley, and when you have been spoiled by the very best it becomes difficult to compromise.
My chair of choice comes in a variety of specifications, there's the 'pre-2005 Classic', the 'post 2005-Classic' and the 'Remastered', all of those can come with or without 'Posturefit' ™, and they can be 'fully-loaded' or not.
By the time I went to bed on Sunday I knew that I wanted the Remastered fully loaded with Posturefit™ and also what price I could get one of those for, brand new and complete with 10-year warranty.
But prior to finding that source for that specification at that price I had found a very interesting 2nd hand one for about half the price, I just wasn't entirely sure of its specification, so I needed to phone the vendor to enquire, and therefore I emailed the advert to myself at work.
On Monday my boss put in a rare appearance and so I popped my head round her door, first to ask if it was OK to visit the dentist to have a tooth filled and secondly to ask her if it might be OK to bring my own chair into the office. I said it was expensive and was more than happy to provide my own but that it would look out-of-place which was why I was asking for permission to bring it in. She asked me to send her a link to the image, so I did.
Later I phoned the vendor of the half price chair to establish its exact specification and it turns out to be post-2005 classic with Posturefit, but neither Remastered nor fully loaded.
While I waited for permission to bring an alien chair into the office I had made my mind up to pay the extra and treat myself to the top of the range model.
Today my boss e-mailed me with the evidence that she has just bought me the other one.
I really wasn't expecting that! Naturally I have thanked her effusively, but now I'm the newest member of staff being spoiled with the most expensive chair in the company which is half as good as the one I really wanted. It feels faintly like blackmail, a silken trap.
We're approaching a stupidly busy overtime season during which all staff are expected to remain at their desks for very long hours and are financially rewarded for same.
I don't like to feel cornered.
But if I'm going to be cornered anyway, perhaps it's better to be sitting comfortably.

I'd hoped to be told my choice of chair was too ugly and that if I insisted on providing my own I'd have to sit in a distant corner away from the radio, the people who giggle all day, the people who are rude all day and the thing that blows cold air on me. I should just be grateful.

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