Devoid of all self-restraint?

"That's the last.", as the Cobbler said as he his his wife.

There may just be a diversity of reasons:-
1. I no longer have a living conscience.
: ¬
2. Whilst "Christmas comes but once a year.",  80th Birthdays come but once per lifetime.

Whatever the reason I just could not make an almost entire Cake last as long, proportionately, as I manage to make the  Festive one last.

On The Day, I sat there thinking "I wonder which lucky so-and-so got the GOOD bits?" (You know, all icing with a Veneer of Cake.)  Turns out I did, she'd taken it off before slicing and left it.  I wonder if she knew of my penchant for things sweet and clarty? YES Spill Chucker "clarty" in in the dictionary - BUT not very complimentary I might add which was unintentional on my part.

Point three vanished, due to an inbuilt software Glitch I've since corrected; if I remember I'll add it "L8r" as they say.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Extra = "Back-end = the first hint(s) of winter.
Way back here @ bottom left, you can see an average three days.
I recently two hints of winter.
The extra shows the current "Last three days" not at all similar.
This was further underlined by the temperature.

I have "Thingy" in the corner showing the temperature.  I call it a thingy on account of it not being a dedicated Thermometer, that's just one of its functions.  All summer it's usually been 19-20˚C - on the relevant day it showed 17˚C.  Never been that low since.

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