Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Thank you

Thank you for the hearts and lovely comments for my anniversary / wedding Blip.

Back to earth with a bump as my mum is still in hospital and is now sufficiently recovered to be awkward and uncooperative! She is in a rehab ward but refusing to make any effort so I need to go down to Plymouth next week to see if we can get her motivated. Back to getting completely different stories from everyone, and she initially refused permission for staff to talk to me because she knows full well I’ll give her the hard word when I know what’s been going on. Anyway, all sorted now and hoping to arrange meetings with the various therapists next week. 

This time last week was the first wedding ceremony, cannot believe it’s all over and done. The newlyweds are in San Francisco, exactly 27 years to the day since I posed in the same spot, unknowingly pregnant with David. Gosh time flies.

PS - we have had a couple of preview shots from the professional photographer - just low res tasters but they're fab - see extras. I think we will have a long wait now for the full set - something to look forward to!

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