Special pencil

Somehow I didn't get a picture today, so it's the special pencil the youngest has to help him grip his pencil properly.  We practised spellings after school as they both have spelling tests on Friday. They have both embraced reading after school very well after a bit of on / off over the holidays (despite my best intentions!) 

Very proud of the eldest today who volunteered not to do football club as his brother is not yet old enough.  The eldest said it wouldn't be fair as both of them are desperate to do it.  It is on the same evening as Beavers, so would have lead to a very busy evening for them.  

Today I'm grateful for: 
The eldest, his sense of fairness has always been pretty strong
Returning a £1 to the corner shop near the boys school after we were 'given' two popsicles on the hottest day of the year when I didn't have change, we of course bought two more from there as we had enough change! 
The rain, the garden is looking a lot happier these days 

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