
By 1YearInAddis

Foghorn Leghorn

Yes, this is a rooster on our couch. He did not realize that he was roosta non grata in our house. Why, because I don't like barn animals on the furniture? Not if they mind their manners and don't peck other guests. Because I should rule the roost? Haha.

No, it's because this cocky fellow has been waking me up at five a.m. all week.

What possible evolutionary advantage can there be to all this cock a doodle doing? Doesn't it say to any predator within earshot (5 miles for this loudmouth) "Come over here to find a brightly colored, meaty, tasty, nearly flightless, nearly defenseless morsel"?

It can't possibly be for the sex appeal. What lady rooster (I know), on hearing his "song" at sunup would do any more than roll over and tell him to stuff his beak where the sun don't shine?

Could it be to mark his turf , to establish his dominance over other males? Wouldn't there be another way that wouldn't attract every carnivore on the continent? Hmm, Wikipedia will have to come my aid here.

I am pleased, despite my vegetarian tendencies, that this fellow will be an ex-rooster in three days. He is headed to a pot of doro wat. It's a special spicy stew eaten on festive occasions, in this case Orthodox Easter.

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