A Fraudulent Succulent

Today's image is of part of my small collection of succulents - hardly on a par with Kew Gardens but they're mine and I've grown rather fond of them.
The succulent in the centre of this shot has recently much benefited from repotting and the occasional watering (who knew!) and has now sprouted its very own offspring. The one you can glimpse on the left is a much spikier fellow - I then made a shocking discovery about the one that you can see on the right.
It's a complete fraud. My sister had bought it for me as part of a recent birthday present and had then gone on holiday. I'd assumed it was just another succulent to add to my collection and had been watering it (and talking to it - I like to have a little chat with my plants) accordingly for over week until my sister returned from holiday and told me it was plastic! What a berk!

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