Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Pennies Mean Prizes

Hardly prize-worthy given the total of our Aldi shopping this morning. To be fair, it is the first time for a long, long time since we have done a proper food shop. Time hasn't been kind due to all the jobs we both had on over the last few months. So much so, we haven't been away this summer. Crazy, but it was nice to reflect on our progressive achievements lately in Starbucks (for a change from Costa). Winter, bar the fuel bills, should be kinder to us this time round and the summer even kinder still with the garden starting to look more and more like it belongs to us.

I let Mrs Tuttle take today's blip for a change, of myself sitting on a rather funky looking Starbuck chair, which led us to talking about sofas we dearly do not need.... 

Today's Wordle: Prize 5/6

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