Wednesday: Max

I figure a cat blip every four or five months is allowed.  Here is Max, our sensitive boy.  Born in Ukraine, I got him when he and his brother, Fred, were 4 weeks old - too early, I know, but the lady who had them wanted rid as soon as possible. They are now 13 and, in addition to Ukraine, they have also lived in China and the UK.  Sadly, this means that over a year of their lives has been spent in quarantine - that said, they are in good health and are very relaxed, laid back cats.  Max is a great cuddler but he rarely comes to you, you have to go to him.  He is also an incredibly fussy eater.

On another subject, I am seriously thinking about a new compact camera.  I love my G9 but I fancy something a bit more advanced that is good in low light and can do depth of focus.  My brother in law is trying to persuade me that the Fuji x100 is the one for me - do you have any thoughts?

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