Got ourselves a new dog …
We’ve looked up if Pluto is actually a specific breed but he’s not … they drew him as a ‘mutt’ or if you prefer a Heinz 57 which is what I like to say ;-)) .
Almost 29,000 steps today … my feet are a tad achy .
Plenty things seen. Each time we visit here they have modified and added to so very much , we walked around the world twice .. Epcot has 11 little mock up countries with associated restaurants and shops within them , often also a little ride or film , Mexico is my favourite.
Epcot stands for - Experimental prototype community of tomorrow. Apparently Walt (bless his cotton socks ) wanted the world to mix in harmony and mix it up a bit … yeahhhh well it’s a good job he’s left this earth as he would be bitterly disappointed.
I appear to have had my tiny pea like brain thrown around somewhat today as I’ve been on the Rock’n’rollercoaster 3 times and the new Guardians of the Galaxy twice . Both incredibly loud and fast , however the music is very good ( that’s just my opinion ) ..
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