One day at a time

By MikeSlade


Today was the final match of the bowling year at our club. Traditionally it is between the Ladies and Gentlemen and we had all six rinks in play which was really wonderful. The green looks wet and it was. It was ‘clarty’ on ours, rink 1, nearest the picture. Viv throws her first bowl watched by Colin our lead. (Clarty is a local word meaning, er, muddy.) We won our game 22-11 over 15 ends. Ends won were 8-7 to us but when we won an end we sometimes got a high score. The Gents won all six rinks, some very narrowly. We then had a pooled tea (bring and share in some areas) and it tasted very nice. We then had trophies presented. There’s one of me with Terry and Keith as we won the Queens Cup earlier in the year. Our president Richard is presenting it to us. And that’s it until next Spring. Some of us play indoor bowls through the winter. 

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