Splendid Ukrainian menu!

Many thanks for the stars and heart to my pier yesterday!

Today a totally different day: it was estimated that up to four hundred people came to enjoy the national dishes of their country prepared by Ukrainians today on small town of Pälkäne. 

About 25 Ukrainians now live in Pälkäne. Mainly women and children, a few men. Their adaptation has gone quite well, and they are so grateful for it and now wanted to cook an ukrainian menu for the villagers. It was done with the help of the municipality and the parish and the local association called Onkkaalanraitti ry. 

The Ukrainians now live in this few thousand people town and all the school-age children are already in school. And all but one of the adults have jobs in the village. Everydaylife looks quite ok now.

It was nice to meet them all - and what a marvellous idea was to give willagers this kind of a food trip to Ukraine!

After we had this Ukrainian lunch me, my daughter and her grandmom had a trip to woods to pick some harmful Impatiens. And we drove around in her childhood home, field and places (it was now cleared to me that she had never visited there since she left in 1960's, even if her old home is only less than 5km away). She was so happy about the trip and later we had dinner and a sauna evening. 

A good day. 
+15c sunny 

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