Big bug day

This morning I had to get the windows on the bunny barn cleaned. Boy rabbits spray everywhere. So before we move the rabbits back into the winter quarters Dan takes the windows down and I clean them.... lovely... But while I was there I saw a praying mantis that I relocated into another area. A little while later I could swear something was skritching at my back and I asked Dan to look. All I heard was "Oh my!" And I was like "Get it off!!" It was another praying mantis... the one in the picture. It was much bigger (about 4 inches) than the first one I found which I think must have been a male and this one the female. She wasn't on my skin, thankfully but between shirts. I love these guys but NOT in my clothes!!!! Whew!
Then later this afternoon I saw this beautiful little hummingbird moth. I'm not sure whether it was at the end or the beginning of the moth stage but it wasn't flying and climbed onto my hand. I set it on some of the white phlox flowers that they visit. There are small hornworms that like to eat the honeysuckle that is close by and I think this is a moth from one of them.

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