Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Looking demonic…

For those of you who go on these type of rides at theme parks you will know about the photos taken as we are battered senseless by speed and the type of g force experienced by people training at NASA …( only a tiny exaggeration ) … this for those more sensible humans is one of those photos taken , the camera is usually situated somewhere that is going to get the most extreme reaction … this particular camera is about 3 seconds in to being SHOT BACKWARDS into a black pit … it’s taken 5 attempts for me to get a photo where my face does not look contorted like Rocky Balboa after a round with Apollo Creed ( referencing Rocky films for those not familiar ) .. … you may think I’m particularly stupid for going on these rides , and you would be right x

Yes … that is Jim and Eve and Lucy . Not some random weirdos . Just regular weirdos x

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