Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Thursday — Another Long Day

It was 4:00 p.m. when we heard the back-up warning as Mercado arrived with a truck of 4 pallets more of Allan Block; he had told us it would not be here till Friday morning, but maybe Thursday. That brings our total to 12 pallets of Allan Block delivered here to build the masterpiece that Mercado is creating in our backyard. He sees it in his mind; we see it block by block as it is created.

After 6:00 the guys were finished unloading the blocks. Several of the guys left in their own pick-ups and Mercado made his exit with several men in his truck.

The three of us, Mr. Fun, myself, and daughter Deidre, looked at each other and said, "Let's go get dinner!" We put harnesses and leashes on the two pups and headed downstairs to get in the car. We all decided on Martin's Restaurant right here in Cayucos. Daughter Deed decided she'd walk to meet us there.

I'm very sorry the only photo I have of her from this evening, she is blinking. Oh well, I'm using it anyway. We enjoyed a delicious meal; I mean it was scrumptious. When we all made our exit, Deed said she'd walk back to the house. We decided to do our usual and take a lookey-lou cruise of our tiny town. We checked-out the shore on both sides of the pier; then saw the almost full moon rising above Cayucos -- so spectacular. So I captured one shot on the main highway thru town, Ocean Avenue; the other capture of the moon is on our narrow street. The evening was beautiful.

Good night from Cayucos
on California's Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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