Cake Smash Baby

It was Jaspers Birthday Party for the family today.

Sam stayed the night after arriving from Cornwall last night. I surprised him with a visit from Nicky - my good friend I reunited with last year. He actually didn't recognise her to begin with but styled it out well!!!

We then headed over to Daughter Number 2 for Jaspers Party. It was a great turn out of family but unfortunately included my ex husband and his Thai Wife not wife and her stash of baby wipes she chased the babies around with. But I was able to avoid eye contact with him and didn't allow him to talk to me. My lot found it hilarious as they watched us avoid each other but almost accidentally bump into each other in our attempts to avoid each other!!! I was also caught glaring with Lazer eyes by Jaspers Nanny and she pretended I burnt her arm with my Lazers - again very funny. 

Jasper was given his own cake to 'smash'. A new American tradition I think. Considering how messy he is with eating normally - he did very well not to get too grubby but did insist on smearing icing across my face!!!

It was mostly a great day with my beautiful family and Nicky who also managed "him" well. I love them all very much. x

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