
By lassoothemoon

Prosecco time

I was at a meeting this afternoon at the university with my colleague M. Our department has been increasingly involved in the education of undergraduates over the past few years which, although time-consuming, can be very rewarding. As pharmacy undergraduate education is undergoing major reforms, this involvement is destined to increase further.

The meeting was productive and not without its compensations. After the meeting, M twisted my arm to go for an evening glass of prosecco. It was a lovely day today in London, and we could sip our fizz al fresco bathed in the evening sunlight. The simple pleasures.

Sadly, I did not blip the fizz. Instead, this is a shot of the Brunswick Centre which is opposite the School of Pharmacy. When I did my postgrad here many a few years back, it was very run down. But it has had a major facelift and is now rather swankified. Posh enough for prosecco anyways :)

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