My best project

I had a lovely walk to church this morning. I came home via the shop and bought a newspaper The Observer, such a treat and it will take all week to read!
I like to knit whilst watching the Formula 1 and this is my latest project. I am so pleased with it, no holes or mistakes. I think I've found my forte children's hats!!! It is for Ada but if it is too small Lucy or Rosie can have it. 
I keep getting drawn to watch some programmes about The Queen and did watch some of the journey of her coffin to Edinburgh. So much history and lots I remember.
I was reminded by Dianne my American friend that we saw The Queen in 1980 when they were visiting me. We ended up on the Strand and people were waiting on the pavement so we decided to stop and wait and see what was happening. Not long after horse drawn carriages came past carrying The Queen mother and another with The Queen and Prince Philip. I looked in my photo album of the time and found the same photo of The Queen! It was The Queen Mother's 80th birthday service. I gave my nana the photo of the Queen Mother as she always liked her and they were the same age. 

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