
A grey gloomy start to the day again. While getting ready for a busy extra sift at work Julie spotted the webs on next doors flue vent so I grabbed my camera as they looked quite effective a bit like it has wings or is that just my vivid imagination . 
Back home now after a long busy day doing lots of tidying and rearranging of the yard. started at 8.00 and finished at 5.00 . 17 000 steps today .
When I got home I had an important  job to do and that was to evict a giant spider which Julie had caught under a cup  so this was taken across the road and put in the carpark to run away . Next a load of washing put on and then time to relax and soak in the bath.
Julie has just arrived home from visiting Jeri and the family so time to relax with some general TV viewing 

Cant believe its  21 years since 9 .11 time does fly 

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