Allotment day today. We’re getting to the end of the growing season, our first here, so it’s a good time for us to look back and see how it’s been. 

We’ve fed the local rabbits, birds, mice and squirrels with home-grown produce
We’ve been very successful at growing a variety of weeds, including mares tail.
We’ve sown, grown, harvested and eaten some of our own home-grown stuff, but eaten far more of everyone else’s. They’re very friendly and very generous here. 
We’ve acquired a range of trash and converted into not quite so trashy trash.
We’ve yet to devise a way of keeping rabbits at bay but the local mink have returned and seem to be doing ok
We’ve become part of a great, kind, bonkers community.

And we’re greeted by these smiling sunflowers each time we visit. 

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