Changeable Sky

We went from torrential rain to bright sun to torrential rain and finally back to bright sun.  Hope it stays dry for a day or two as everything is very wet.  With the unpredictability of the weather we just hung out close to home all day.  We did get a few things accomplished and generally took it easy.  Nothing wrong with that. 

Jon's brother had a car accident last week.  It seems he "blacked out" while driving home from a golf tournament.  He's ok and fortunately he didn't hit anyone else, but his car flipped several times and is "totaled".  He's pretty banged up on one side of his body too, but nothing is broken or seriously injured.  The blacking out is due to a heart issue and he had a pacemaker inserted today that should take care of the problem.  He had an issue with feeling light headed and tired a few months ago and the doctors thought it could be controlled with medication.  He is in good spirits and his daughter from North Carolina drove to be with him as he is a widower.  So, hoping he'll have a speedy recovery from here and get back to his life after a period of adjustment.

Hope you all had a nice weekend and are ready to tackle a new week which will speed by if anything like any of the others this year.

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