A tender moment

We've had a great day today with lots of sun and fresh air. Hubby was participating in a football tournament all day so the rest of us headed over to Château de la Hulpe as my Dad has never been there before. Unbeknown to me, before we arrived, their was a picnic in the park with entertainment which was a pleasant surprise as there were loads of games and activities set up for children, deck chairs, live band and food and drink. I had taken the kid's bikes and there was a cycle proficiency course set up which Olivia did over and over again. She mastered everything on her bike but had trouble cycling across a narrow plank of wood which was balanced in the middle to act as a sort of bridge, although she did keep trying. Dexter was more interested in moving the cones around!

There was a train transporting people back and forth to the entrance of the park which Dexter was adamant that we had to go on. He sat in-between Grandma and Granddad and although he did hold Mum's hand I loved the way he rested his other hand on Dad's hand. My Dad lost part of his wedding finger in an accident before he met my Mum and some of his best party tricks include showing the kids how far he can stick his finger up his nose and getting the kids to look for his finger in the house (he used to do it when we were kids too!). Dexter has been quite fascinated with this during this visit so I'm pleased that I managed to capture a photo of their two hands together.

From here we briefly went to visit hubby at his football tournament - he's going to have very sore legs so I've been nagging him about warming up and stretching properly!

Then we went to Place Flagey in Ixelles for a Sunday roast in the Irish pub followed by a play at the fun fair which is in town at the moment; the highlight being Olivia helping her little brother to the top of the very steep bouncy castle type slide and watching them come down together holding hands and squealing with delight.

We're all very sun kissed now!

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