Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Rain bubbles :o)

I really liked how the rain made lovely little bubbles as it hit the ground here, and the reflection of my sister looking down at it :o)

Claire and I had gone out in search of food when we finished watching Lost this afternoon (if anyone else has just finished watching the latest season on Sky how brilliant was the finale?! We have a lot of ideas about whats going on, but really are just more confused than and we decided that we were in the mood for Sushi so we'd treat ourselves and go somewhere proper!

Headed to the place at Tollcross only to find it was shut, thought oh well we'll just go to the place up from Haymarket on dalry road as we've heard good things about it. It was shut too. Quite annoyed now so we decided to go for a coffee at Starbucks before thinking about somewhere else, and we were turned away from there because the tram works have buggered their plumbing and they can't make any coffee!
Got a bit pissed off at this point.

Reckoned that as it clearly wasn't our day today we'd ditch the diet and go for sweet and sour chicken and fried rice was very tasty indeed. :D
Doubly not looking forward to WW tomorrow now!

We've decided to make up for our bad behaviour and get us back on the straight and narrow after 3 weeks of slacking off we are going to have a competition between us to see who can lose the most pounds next week. The winner gets the grand prize of a soya latte bought for them by the loser!

ps. Does anyone know of a good Sushi place around town other than those two?

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