Fruit and tanks

The fruit farm was a super place to camp, to pay our dues we popped along to the farm shop, this place is designed to take your money, it is full of fruit, vegetables, cheeses and so on. Everyone is very friendly.

Onwards towards the Freedom Museum or Vrijheidsmuseum, we are near Arnhem and Nijmegen. The introduction was excellent, the Dutch guy was keen to explain the museum is to include all of those involved in the second world war. He chatted for some 20 minutes, the place was quiet, and afterwards directed us to the start. We haven’t visited before and thoroughly enjoyed the exhibits, as well as in Dutch the translation included English and German.

Afterwards we crossed the Rhine into Germany and camped on a site we are not too keen on. Instead of the Rhine we have a view of motorhomes. Anyway we have gleaned some information about how to search for the right Stalplatz, (parking area).

Moving from country to country is easy on mainland Europe although strange, having become used to road signs etc in Dutch we are suddenly trying to change tack and understand road signs and where it is OK to go. All good fun. This evening a walk into the town centre and to the walkway alongside the Rhine, a barge was passing when we arrived. I don’t know what the attraction is in watching vessels on the water, we love it and part of this holiday is to spend time to do just that.

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