Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Blood and Sugar

A long and intricate read that exposes the ghastliness of the slave trade in the eighteenth century but does so through the medium of a rollicking whodunnit. CJ Samsonesque if you've ever read the Shardlake novels, although a bit denser and a little more cliched. Could have down without the crashing crate nearly killing the hero when the rope was cut, by way of example. 

Slavery in the British Empire was an abomination. It was also much more complex than I realised before reading this. 

Mind you the way we treat animals and the environment today is equally appalling (says the self righteous vegan). Will history judge us harshly? I hope so, we should know better. 

Our day was a mixture of domestics and enjoying our time with reading and cooking and drinking coffee and soft drinks in the late summer sunshine. It was actually hot today. I even cut the grass and picked up all the windfall apples. 

Still learning the mysteries of our new electric car. Charging is not quite straightforward - you have to tell it that is plugged in and not assume that it is working, but after some false starts I got the charge up from 48% to 83%.

So, what to read next? Blood and Sugar has a a sequel but I fancy coming to that later. So many books, so little time ...

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