
A bit of a mishap with yesterday morning's sd card in the TrailCam. Blank.  The batteries were full. Not sure what happened.

So late yesterday afternoon I put the card in early while it was still daylight, and I could see what I was doing with the display.

I turned round to find the sparrows behind my back feeding on the fatball feeders. They are less than half a metre away from me.  And they are not fazed by me at all. I sit down on the swing, my Pixel phone camera is with me, and I try taking photos, but the light is so bad. I try a video. My camera is about a metre away from them, with me sitting down (or else there would be no stability at all in that video). I have never taken a video With my Pixel before.

Anyway,  I looked at it indoors.  Experimented with a bit of editing. Tried to upload it to YouTube which was very easy from my Pixel phone, and YouTube gave me a pile of editing options.  But it is still a poor quality video because of the light.  You don't have to look at it.

But today's collage is stills from that video. So they are not great pics either. It was the closeness of me to the sparrows which was the best part for me.

The male sparrow came in above the feeder as a lookout while the females were feeding. Then left them to have a chinwag. I have noticed this male sparrow coming before when the female sparrows feed. I will have to get a better video in better lighting conditions.

Now to find what the heck was up with Midnight last night. He came in around 1am and woke me up. He has free access at all times to the kitchen through the cat flap, but I keep the inner door to bungalow shut for obvious reasons with the wildlife out there, but I didn't shut it properly last night. Midnight was insistent I get up and come outside Into the garden. Torch in my hand, I go out. He takes me to his place on the swing, and is very vocal (well his mouth  was moving, I don't have my processor on). I check everywhere with my torch but cannot find anything amiss.  So, I stroke him, tell him all is well and come in and lock up (if anything is really amiss, he can come back into the kitchen, but the inner door to bungalow will be firmly shut.

I can see him on the swing, it is now getting light, so I shall now go out and feed him, and get that sd card. Please let there be something on it...

A cuppa tea as well...

Have a good day.

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