Autumn pick n mix
Rain on & off all day, we walked up to Ideford Common, Jorgie & I, collecting some colourful bits from the hedgerow on the way back. Nicky called, chatted & told her this would be my last dogsitting job, she asked if I'd have Monty at home if they wanted to go away for a few days, but it's not possible on a regular basis so better to say no. Fortunately Jan & I have already had the conversation, & she has researched a nationwide company for the future.
I rang Jean to cancel this afternoons gardening. Quite pleased not to be gardening today.
Indoor activities this afternoon, I've made 6 jars of courgette, ginger & lemon jam, there just happened to be some out of date fresh ginger root in the community fridge, & a couple of lemons here in the fruit bowl. Kerching! Next a batch of roasted tomato passata.
Now watching the queen's coffin leaving Scotland heading home. A tad blustery for kilts & sporran, I notice the Royal Regiment of Scotland have feathers in their headdress. Presumably from native bird, Capercaillie perhaps. . We certainly do pomp & ceremony well.
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