
By HareBrain

Birthday Flight

It’s Mr HB’s 80th Birthday today and the day dawned encouragingly bright for getting up in the clouds.  It started with a cup several cups of tea and card and present opening.  A slow breakfast and then a drive up to the Gliding Club where his chariot awaited, the Duo Discus, a high performance glider already rigged and ready for take off.  Unfortunately, it then decided to rain, but it cleared a little later, gliding commenced and Mr HB with the aid of a winch launch was propelled into the sky (his favourite place) and had a fabulous 1 and a quarter hour flight, and landed safely and expertly right up to the launch point.  After de-rigging the glider, a good 20 minutes or more job (with talking) we had a late lunch in the Clubhouse and more  kind wishes, cards and presents to open. 
Then the 1 hour drive home to have a quick change and out again for a meal with friends and my #1 daughter in a local hostelry.  Great meal and another Birthday cake!  I know Mr HB has thoroughly enjoyed his celebrations but exercise and less calories are definitely what’s called for now!

Extras: At the Launch point, On the Winch,  Landing and Landed

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