If you can't beat them...

By Jerra


We had a wander down to the church to put some words in the book of condolence.  Clearly, this gave the opportunity for a blip other than flowers and birds.  I took all sorts of shots the majority revolving round the abilities of the craftsmen of old.  Finally, I decided on Thomas.

Thomas is a Tenor bell removed from the tower when the bells were rehung and two more added making a ring of 6 in the late 1990s.  It was in far too poor condition to be reused.

Thomas is inscribed "John Torner made this bell" and "Thomas Dacre, Lord of Dacre and Graystoke, Knight of the Garter in the ninth month of the year 1524 on the 24th day."

Yes, Greystoke was spelled like that back then.  In retrospect, I should have removed the notice telling the bell's history before taking the shot.

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