
By Almondblossom

Autumn dusk

Took a late walk on the beach this evening, dusk is falling early now, dark by 8pm. As I climbed up the steps to the top of the cliff (not as dramatic as that might sound) the almost empty car park seemed desolate and a little surreal, although there were people around walking off their day too.

I arrived in Dorset on Monday after the easiest drive here ever, I needed that after the summer holiday traffic jams. I’m staying in a decent AirBnb near my mum’s house that’s run by a lovely Italian family. It’s not my ideal staying in a room rather than an apartment but it’s cheaper and the best thing is hearing their Italian conversation.
It’s been a very long day sorting out (aka binning) my mum’s ancient paper mountain, which dated back to 2003 (face palm emoj)i!, as part of the preps for her house move. As with all such things, the legal side is slow and tortuous, no idea of a completion date yet but she’s taking it all in her 89 and 3/4 stride.
There’s a strong therapeutic benefit to chucking out someone else’s crap, it’s so much easier and quite enjoyable to be brutal when it’s not one’s own.
Tomorrow promises yet more list-ticking, wish me luck!

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