Hi Everyone,

I started my day at around 04:50, once awake I don’t normally return to sleep. Like most of us I checked the social media whilst laying in bed… The phone showed that I had passed the 900 follower mark on Instagram and 1,518 subscribers on YouTube, both number higher than when I went to bed.

I watched a very interesting video on strengthening your foot muscles. They showed the perfect exercised and said most people would not spend that long each day doing them so they showed another cutdown session which could be achieved in 5 – 10 minutes.

At 08:10 I received a telephone call for the Musculoskeletal Service about my hip… After much conversation the chap said he will arrange for me to have my hip x-rayed and then follow it up with a face to face meeting to establish if I need a replacement. He said that some people just get stuck in a mindset of needing one when physically it might not be the right time. That is something for me to reflect on and I will try and record all the challenges I face between now and seeing him.

Here is the good news… He said I am not too young for a replacement; I have been previously told a replacement is not for people under 70. He also said that if I was prepared to travel to Southampton (about 20 miles from home) the waiting list is about 4 months…

I am not sure I can see the light at end of the tunnel yet, but the tunnel is firmly in sight.

The Photo:
When I walked into my office with a cup of coffee, I noticed I had made one a few minutes previously… Do they do Memory replacements?

SORRY for all the rambling but it is A VERY GOOD DAY.

Stay happy, strong, and healthy


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