The Mistress of the Web in Her Morning Glory
I went to the bedroom window first thing in the morning and opened the curtains, and look what I found! The Mistress of the Web had been very busy overnight. Dew was over everything and the first rays of sunshine lit up what just may have been the biggest web I've ever seen. Orb weaver is my best guess, and yes, she's right there in the center of it all, basking in the glory she has made!
Through the web, you can see the roof of our shed, and the trees beyond. The web is located directly above the original pollinator garden along the south side of the house. The web itself is secured to a huge lilac bush on the right. But we looked and we looked, and we could not discern what the rest of it was anchored to. "Heaven?" I asked. And yes, I think that's true!
Our soundtrack song can only be this one: the Indigo Girls, with Secure Yourself (to Heaven).
Secure yourself to heaven.
Hold on tight, the night has come
Fasten up your earthly burdens,
You have just begun.
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