Across Stretton Valley
At least what a valley looks like in our locality, just a gentle slope down to the River Penk.
I was heading into the office for a change and hoping for some interesting conditions around sunrise, but this was the extent of the colour and while misty it still allowed views into the distance.
We had a meeting to discuss business for the team. We have had new temporary staff join us after losing other staff. Unfortunately, there is a chronic shortage of staff across the sector in environmental health (and other local authority jobs). Our manager was saying that a number of other neighbouring authorities were also struggling to fill posts. In many respects this is a problem brewing for many years with more than a decade of austerity impacting on local government finances. Combine that with the lack of investment in training and now the difficulty in providing apprenticeships when staff are mainly working from home and are less able to provide the work experience for students wanting to come into the profession.
Not sure what the answer is, but I worry for the appropriate regulation of business and society, with a dwindling workforce.
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