Falcon Fotographic

By DavieJ


In Bulgaria the word for dandelion translates as 'deaf' as it was traditionally thought they caused deafness. In Portugal it if often called 'o teu pai é careca" - your dad is bald which is also quite strange. We however correctly call danelions after Dan de Lion who was a cool lion and who could talk and grant magical wishes. One day a milk maid asked him to grant her a wish as she wanted a bright flower in her fields to cheer up her cows who were a bit depressed by Dutch Elm Disease. He granted her wish and created the bright and colourful dandelion which the milk maid then named after him. Some Scandinavian and Eastern European countries call dandelions milk flowers after the milk maid as she was the one who asked them and it doesn't help Dan de Lion has been caught on several occasions telling inappropriate jokes about Eastern Europeans.

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