A Damp Day

After an unplanned hiatus I went in past to see Davie this afternoon.  He was happy to say he has started his new course of Chemo.  Part of his regime sees him having to take 45 tablets within a very short time.  But, as he said himself, he can’t even begin to think what will happen if he won’t take them.  He’s felt nothing from his chest level down, for the last six months.  He was keen to speak about Wynton Marsalis and Chick Corea.  Davie’s specially adapted vehicle (that can obviously accommodate him in his wheelchair) has been off the road but he’s to get it back within the next 24hrs.  He said the first thing he is going to do is call in past the hospital and visit Dougal.  Speaking of whom.  I’d already planned to go into Kirkwall and visit Dougal after seeing Davie.  However, just before I left the hoose, Dougal’s wife texted me to say D is going bananas because the hospital kitchen has no broon sauce and could I do the honours?  Put it this way – he’s happier now.  I can always remember the startled look on Janet’s face when Dr Finlay conferred with Dr Snoddy about the efficacy of broon sauce. 
In other news, CMC has returned from Hoy.  Which is always a bonus.

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