Mostly Six Five Oh

By nhc

Crosswalk. SW Morrison at SW 6th Ave. If you look in the background the cops are lined up along the street, car and motorcycles; several May 1st marches scheduled for the downtown area today.

Beautiful day, 70ºF which is just perfect. We're heading into some hot weather in the upper 80s very soon. Wasn't anticipating having to set up the irrigation timer this early in the year.

I thought that once a week I'd make a note of the movies I've watched in the last 7 days, I'm just going to put the title of the film and release date, maybe the lead actor(s) and that's it. I have a sketchy memory for films and thought it might be interesting to look back and see what I've watched.

Monsieur Klein (1976), Alain Delon
Restrepo (2010), documentary
The Numbers Station (2013), John Cusack
Beginners (2010), Ewan McGregor, Christopher Plummer
Erased (2012), Aaron Eckhart

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