Strange Fruit
A day of relative calm after a previously unreported weekend of distress which saw a swarm of bluebottles erupt from somewhere in the house. Thousands of the buggers. They appeared in tens on Friday morning and, as fast as I could remove them, hundreds more arrived. I had all the doors and windows open for 3 days. As they are drawn yo the light, I stood by the windows and, as they battered themselves on the glass, I sucked them ip with the vacuum like a poor man's Ghostbuster. I even got up in the middle of the night as the thought of how many there'd be in the morning was kerping me awake.
The upside of the situation is that all the furniture got moved and cleaned under/behind. So even though my weekend plans were hijacked, the house is now clean.
This selection of balls came from under the settee. I'm going to distribute them around the park like a dog treasure hunt.
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