3 Horse Pictures in a Row

It's not a shot from the grassy knoll,
but I be on a horse picture roll.

It's so strange to be in a place where horse-drawn carriages share the roads and streets with cars and trucks. Strange, but somehow refreshing, too.

We went back into Shipshewana this morning to the flea market, had another hearty dinner, and then went to a 4 p.m. live musical play. There were only 9 actors in the production, but it was really well done, and we enjoyed it very much. I just love to watch people's talents and passions.

We also took a drive into the countryside, seeing two different Amish schools. and the children were out playing softball. The picture in the Extras was also from the drive. Welsh Corgi puppies for sale. 600 dollars for the females, 500 for the males. With honor to Queen Elizabeth, I bought the little male with the black markings. (NOT!)

So pretty down here.

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