Wednesday: To Paraphrase Lou

Booky is in Miami, Fla.

Our flight from Heathrow was at a respectable mid morning time so we got up, checked out and enjoyed a good breakfast once we’d cleared security.  The flight was long but uneventful - if truth be told, it was quite dull as we were over water virtually the entire time.

We landed early afternoon Miami time and didn’t need to pick up our luggage as that just transits on to our next flight tomorrow.  

So, my little hotel faux pas yesterday - well, that paled into insignificance when we got to our Miami airport hotel and discovered that K., who was in charge of that particular arrangement, had booked us in for the 15th August, not September.  We did wonder why they’d collected payment a month early!  Anyway, they very graciously cancelled the no-show fee and just transferred our booking. Unsurprisingly, I feel we’re definitely even|!

We’re holding up quite well and managed to head to South Beach for some dinner. It’s the first time in Miami for both of us.  Barney, however, has spent the last couple of days here.  

As for the Barney update, he has arrived safely and is being looked after by my colleague.  We’re really grateful to her husband who went to collect him and take care of all the paperwork.

The big reveal on Unnamed Next Destination is tomorrow…….are you excited?

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