
By FreePetHair

Hard to Choose

I got some really great photos today of the dogs and the garden and some not great photos of Nugget and the pile of emergency vehicles blocking my way home. You get this one since I had to choose- the dog with little brain and bright teeth. :P

Nugget and her parents gave me a giant Tardis mug for Mother's Day and I love it! Spent the day with my girls shopping and Nugget was so good and slept through the whole grocery store. Got back home at last to my road blocked off from a wreck, medivac in the middle of the intersection, so almost after a long day and couldn't get home and had to go around and play twenty questions with the deputy guarding that end of the street with me pointing at my house RIGHT THERE I HAVE GROCERIES IN THE CAR before he would let me through.

The dogs are really enjoying their new fenced back yard. I took everyone out yesterday and did the de-shedding comb on them. That's Titus fur all over the ground. It's all over my house, too, in case you wondered. And they also got new hula hoops and a sprinkler and my okra is looking great and my tomatoes have blossomed. Hmmm... what else. Probably a lot. Big day. AND it didn't rain like they threatened, so I am glad for that because the plants are getting heavy to move but still a little susceptible to torrential Alabama storms.

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