
By flying

Quiet thoughts....

....missing my sunrise buddy, my dear friend and longtime blipper mpp26. Sadly, M was a victim of the Kaikoura boating accident last weekend. 

This morning I headed out with a heavy heart. I was running late and missed the rich colours before sunrise but instead got the softer marshmallow tones as the sky lightened, it suited my mood perfectly. Waves were crashing along the shoreline causing pebbles to rumble as they tumbled in the swirl by receding waves. I sat and pondered for a wee while remembering my friend, we had so many good times, can't believe she's no longer with us. As I sat, the moon still high in the sky shone down, gulls glided along the water's edge looking for shellfish while shags flew out to sea to feed. The beach was frosty as it was -3C, I didn't sit and ponder for too long instead I ambled and pondered, the sea was noisy but in a peaceful kind of way.

Many of us will miss M, she was an inspiration to us bird mentor, my sunrise buddy and my dear friend, many fond memories of happier days are held close to my heart. My thoughts are with her family and friends, sadly missed and always remembered.

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