A Little Bit of Blue, Lots of Grey

As summer wanes, I 
must tuck away the capris
and T-shirts, sadly...


I was up early, as usual. I had my coffee done before 6 and I'd decided where I'd go for photos this morning. 

I left the house just after 7 to drive down to the Rivers Trail on the North Shore. I picked that section that leads along the river to the east side of MacArthur Island Park. I didn't need to walk as far as the park as there was so much bird activity on the river this morning. My starting point gave me a view down river and I could see Battle Bluff in the distance. 
The Canada geese really dominated the river in every sense and they were making a lot of noise, as usual. The gulls kept their distance on a sandbar in the middle of the channel. One sweet little mallard flew up onto the walkway as I was going by. She regarded me very carefully. There was a young mother with two little handfuls making her way pushing a stroller and leading an old, patient dog. Cyclists zoomed by me. They like this shortcut to the park. Seniors were out for a stroll. This was a busy place for so early in the morning. 

I drove off to get my breakfast and fill my gas tank before heading home. I am on my way out of town this afternoon. I need to gather up my belongings and change out of summer clothes. It's time to pull out the turtlenecks and jeans. 

We have a mostly cloudy day with a high of 18 C and some showers or thunderstorms. 

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