*¨*:•Everyday Magic•:*¨*

By Squatbetty

Sing me a song of a lass that is gone

Sassenach on Tour Day 8

The weather was meant to be dull today but it was the total opposite. Warm and sunny pretty much all day - result!

We went for morning coffee at Mountain Coffee in Gairloch, superb as always. I treated myself to a book in the adjoining shop (see extra). I know you're not meant to judge a book by its cover... but I did! Hehe. I understand, first-hand, the healing power of corvids so it called out to me.

After coffee we drove along the coast to Rua Reidh Lighthouse (see extra). I've got a major thing about lighthouses (and also windmills).  I'm sure I was a lighthouse keeper in a previous life, it's pretty much my ideal job ;-)

We ate our lunch overlooking Gairloch Bay with the mountains of Skye in the distance. Norm kept jumping out to take photos every time the light changed, bless him.

My main Blip is the Outlander-inspired collage I've been working on since we came away (which might not make much sense unless you know the books/TV series). I finished it last night and am happy with it. Must start reading/watching it again soon.

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