love nature

By lovenature

Passion Flower

Another lovely Friday-no work.  So I had zoom yoga, hair, physic Garden, wild cooking-Ramen, courgette and cheese scones and apple/pear crumble.  Now a bit of paper work needs to be done before wine and Gardeners World.
The passion flowers have had a long flowering season in the Saughton Park Conservatory.  They are the most amazingly constructed flower and the name comes from the Easter Passion (which I didn't know) as follows-
the five petals and five sepals taken together represent the ten faithful apostles (excluding St Peter the denier and Judas the betrayer) 
the flower's radial filaments or corona represent the crown of thorns 
the three stigmas represent the three nails and the five anthers the five wounds (four by nails and one by the lance) 
the tendrils represent the whips used in the flagellation of Christ

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