Tickled ink...
David had a dental appointment early this morning in St Andrews (yes he still travels there five years after retiring. Good dentists are worth travelling to :-) I had planned to go with him but when the alarm went off I was far too cosy to move so changed my plans :-)
I may have missed out on some lovely photo opps in St Andrews but it meant I could devote some much needed time to my drawing course. Module C started on Monday. I still have some catching up to do on Modules A & B so I am determined not to fall behind on this module as well
Set myself up at the kitchen table as my desk in the studio is set up for a painting I've been trying to finish for ages. It was lovely to be sitting at the kitchen table where my painting adventure started again in 2019.
Module C is ink pens, which I have a little experience of as I've used them to add doodles to paintings, and a few times when I've done some pen and wash, but I've never used them as my main drawing tool before. I really enjoyed the exercises and managed to get two thirds of this week's exercises completed. Two to go and I'm hoping I will manage to get both completed before we go to Ele and Kenny's tomorrow afternoon.
Yesterday Esme was talking about Faith and Anna coming down to stay with us next month. She can't wait to see them. That reminded me I said we would have a halloween party again, so this evening has been spent planning that. Need to start thinking about that now as to tie in with the school holidays, it will be on 16th October. That's only 4 weeks away!!!
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