
By BGCoffee

Oh La Loire!

Left our very rural camping grounds in the Auriac-L'Eglise village after the lady came round for payment - which involved rather archaic triplicate copied handwritten receipt requiring all kinds of information. But after several minutes of writing cost us 8.34 Euros.  Drove down the windy way to Massiac for pastries and coffee before heading off further northward - extra of croissant and coffee in Massiac.  I love France, but can't get over the fact that every day has yet another toilet incident.  This time, at an Aire on the Autoroute I managed to use all my strength to open the bank vault like door and once shut there was a button with a green light which was obviously meant to lock the door and prevent any sexual predators from entering.  However as soon as I began my business a loud alarm sounded somewhat similar to a passing police car, and I realised I hadn't shut the door completely and was now presented with the challenge of closing the door and risking goodness knows what calamity or risking an invader disturbing my privacy.  I opted for the latter and got away with it.  Anyway, we had an uneventful rest of the journey and during the trip, opted to take the opportunity to camp by the Loire at Sully sur Loire.
The campsite here has excellence in the right places unlike the Narbonne site except when it comes to technology.  Apparently the automatic gate to let us in is supposed to recognize number plates registered at reception and open accordingly.  Well, perhaps its because of Brexit, but the camera refused to acknowledge our UK number plate and so I promptly leapt out of the van and walked down to the reception.  Kind lady manually opened the gate but as I settled into my seat and started the engine, down came the barrier once more - this could go on all night I thought, and once again blamed Brexit, the reception lady was probably just having a laugh at my expense.  Anyway finally settled in a very peaceful spot and proceeded on the 15 min walk to the town where we were now pretty hungry for a good meal.  We settled on Aux P'tits Oignons which basically means At the l'ttle onions but not only did we see no little onions, but every table was taken or reserved.  The rather hassled lady serving told us to come back in an hour and half so we decided to examine the rest of the town and if nothing else seemed any good we would settle for a late dinner at the little non existent onions.  As it happened, apart from a rather seedy pizza joint and rather sad rip off of Kentucky Fried Chicken called SCP which we imagines means Sully Fried Chicken, the little onions seemed the place to go albeit a little late in the evening.  So after an aperitif at a local bar we walked back to the restaurant and were finally seated by same lady realised that the 12 or so tables were actually served by her solo and her husband was the chef in the kitchen.  The meal turned out to be superb, with coquilles and prawns in a delicious cream sauce for starters L had a really tasty terrine.  Then as the filet was no longer available we had 'Bavette' or flank steak and then Creme Brulee for L and Chocolate moose (sic) for me.  All delicious - though we were puzzled by the obvious new flavor of crisps (see extra) - to the eye one might have assumed they were 'Burnt potator flavor' but actually they were just delicious tasting crisps so not sure what it was that gave them this appearance.  Walk home after a bottle of red Chinon between us was interesting after the walk across the river things got very dark and iphone lamps are only partially effective and so not sure where the footpath disappeared to, but can confirm that this blip is being typed at the camper van table, and we are both ready for bed!  Oh, but the main photo is also probably the only Loire chateau we will see on this trip - but at least it is a genuine Chateau on the Loire!

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