Heading south

I started the day with a Medicare Annual Wellness Check via Zoom with my PCP.  This is a Medicare requirement that most people don't attach any importance to, but Dr. Li and I had a very good visit and looked at my overall health and  life. She's referred me for several tests and vaccinations and, at my request, a memory evaluation.  I've become so forgetful, both long and short term, and I want to know where I stand.   

After that I went to get my EPO shot and came home . I'd planned to shop for socks, but for some reason today I  feel real  ly tired and a n d o l d .  A n d no w I fi n d t hat my ke y b o a r d h as g one  h a y wi re a g a i n , s o  I ' l l e n d t hi s h e r e .    

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