
No sooner have I Blipped one book club buddy than another one comes along! Let me introduce you to Lauren…

She’s an architect, which is a job I’ve long fancied doing myself, as I’m really interested in buildings and living/working environments, and ‘design’ more generally. However, I’m pretty hopeless at maths, which I assume would be a bit of a problem when trying to design a safe, functional building! 

We managed to cram an awful lot of chat into an hour or so today, covering history, religion, education, politics and several points in-between. You know, all the light stuff! Including architecture, of course.

Which gives me the perfect reason to choose a favourite song by a favourite band for today’s tune. Here are The Decemberists with ‘Here I Dreamt I Was An Architect’ 

And, as a special weekend bonus, how about Simon and Garfunkel with ‘So Long, Frank Lloyd Wright’ too? 

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