Vote Red or Green?
Vote red or green?
Vote for blue sky!
Not the blue-sky thinking type, obviously, since I don't even know what that is. Perhaps if I take a balloon flight, I'll find out.
This is the former mayor's house. He rejoices in the name of John Marjoram, and he's a greenie. I met him coming up the street, wearing his green rosette, obviously hurrying up to the polling station.
"Have you voted?"
"Work first; vote later"
I told him.
But I only found out this morning that there are actually FIVE candidates for our county council constituency. Seems LibDem, Conservative, and UKIP candidates did not even bother to campaign. I've only seen posters for Labour and Green across the whole of Stroud. So, one of them will win.
As a poet, I find choosing between the two names on purely poetical grounds easy.
Sarah Lunnon
Tosca Sofia Antonia Cabello-Watson
One of the names also has more syllables than the other. One of them lives at Springhill, Stroud Co-housing, which I blipped the other day, and the other one in a more mixed area.
We interrupt this political ramble to say I've just seen a nuthatch on the sunflower seeds. Having just read a blog post on the subject of birds at a National Trust property, I realised I hadn't seen any of our nuthatches for ages. So, Good news!
The polling station was blipped earlier. Wonderful building with a great history! I also meant to include a shot of the poster for Labour's Tosca, but it was bit bitty, there was a wall in the way. On the other hand, I noticed that all the street blipping I've done lately has made me totally blase about blipping other people's front gardens. So that is also good news.
I'll tell you the election results tomorrow. I bet you'll be hanging off the edge of your seats...
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